Want to grow full eyebrows? Which can!

Ever since top model Cara Delavigne conquered the fashion world with her full eyebrows, everyone has longed for just the same big, bold brows . But what if you are not naturally blessed with that? Don't worry, because there are all kinds of clever ways to grow your eyebrows.
Want to grow eyebrows? Yes, we can !
Eyebrows are very important for your face. It can make you look younger or older. But also create a stricter or open view. We are currently loving the full eyebrow for a natural, fresh and healthy look. Even if you're not naturally If you are blessed with full eyebrows, you can let them grow. Step one is to kick your habit tweezer . Eyebrow hairs have a growth and resting phase, which last approximately between one and three months. So patience is a virtue to see which hairs grow back where. All hair on your body grows about 3 millimeters per day. The difference with scalp hair is that eyebrow hairs grow out after 30 days. Usually you have an impression after three months how fast your eyebrows grow. In the meantime, are you finding the 'messy look' of your eyebrows difficult to accept? Then sign them with a eyebrow pencil or a eyebrow powder. This will make it easier for you to get through the transition phase.
Grow eyebrows naturally
You can support the process of growing your eyebrows with a number of natural tricks. First, you can stimulate the growth of your eyebrows by exfoliating them. This way you remove dead skin cells and stimulate blood circulation, which is always good for the growth of new hairs. Coconut oil and olive oil both contain a lot of vitamin E that stimulates blood flow to your skin, keeping the hair follicles well nourished. This produces strong, healthy hair that lasts a long time. Castor oil also stimulates the hair growth process of your eyebrows. Apply the oil to your eyebrows every night before going to bed and massage it in well. The next morning, gently cleanse your eyebrows – you don't want to damage the hairs by scrubbing too hard – and then repeat this process in the evening. Other remedies that make your eyebrows grow: egg yolk (a strong remedy because of the protein), aloe vera and fenugreek seeds.
How do eyebrows grow faster?
You can also grow your eyebrows faster by using cosmetic serums that prolong the active growth phase of your hairs. This makes your eyebrow hairs longer, making them appear thicker and fuller. The ingredients in serums that help with this are:
*peptides – for renewing hair follicles
*keratin – a building material for thicker, longer and stronger hair
*biotin – nourishes the hairs and makes them stronger
*Prostaglandin analogues – stimulates hair growth. Be careful of potentially harmful side effects such as pigmentation. Read the package leaflet carefully before use, as this is also offered as a medicine!
How do you style full eyebrows?
Have you ever been able to grow full eyebrows? Nice. Then it's time to do them full justice. Even though you had to stay away from your tweezers at first, now you can use a precision tweezer to specifically eliminate abnormal hairs. For example between you brows in. To get your hairs into their natural shape, comb them with the back of a brush brow pencil in model . Use the other side to draw the shape by making short lines upwards. Immediately eyebrow gel keeps your full eyebrows in perfect shape all day long.